Monday 22 November 2021

True Worshippers.

Before our Lord came to this earth, Men worshipped in a certain place. Then Jesus said Don't do this anymore, For God's the Lord of Time and Space. Now we can worship the Father through him, Wherever we may be staying. And God will accept our praise through him, For his Spirit will be praying.

Sunday 21 November 2021

The Treasure.

We each are clay jars made by God, He loves us everyone. And what he's looking for in us, Is the image of His Son. Gods love for us is stronger, And He watches us each day. His Spirit keeps us going' As we live our lives His way.

The Return.

Soon the waiting will be over As at last we all shall see, He will call to all his faithful. And with Him forever be. So till then we all must wrestle, With the sin that's deep within. Lean on God the Holy Spirit, He'll empower you to win.