Sunday, 15 September 2013

Gods' Will.

To find Gods' will and do it,
That's what is expected of us.
And he will help us through it,
Just like his son Jesus.
For God was very happy,
When Jesus did his will.
So we should learn to copy him,
And God will be happy still.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Joy Of Disappointment.

In our hearts we may choose a path that seems right,
For it seems the right way to go.
Then a door may close on the path we would choose,
And the reason for this we don't know.
Years down the line as we think back,
We may see that pathway was wrong.
It was God who shut the door to it,
And through this our faith was made strong.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

What Is Your Gift?

When we become christians God gives us each gifts,
That we can then use for His Glory.
So find out what yours is and use it each day,
And this will give God joy all the morae.
His love for you is endless he loves you so much,
So use your gifts to show how much your thanful.
Then you will live daily inside Gods joy,
And recieve his 'well done' when you see him.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Are We Too Blessed?

When i think of the ways God has blessed me,
As i go through my life everyday.
I was born in a country where i'm free to be me,
And i can follow the Christian way.
Don't hold tight to the things that surround you,
In the end they will all have to go.
Just keep your focus on Jesus Gods' son,
For He is the one we should know.

Monday, 17 June 2013

God is in Control.

We must learn that when we face troubles,
That God is in control.
And though we may start to get fearful,
On to Him all our troubles we roll.
For his love and his power are awesome,
And he really cares about you.
So the next time your facing your giants,
Just remember he cares about you.
(Turn to Him for He knows what to do).

Monday, 18 March 2013

I Can't Do Everything.

When moving daily through your life seems very hard to do,
Because you think that God expects far too much from you.
Looking after family needs and witnessing at work,
Seem to overwhelm you and you fall into the dirt.
That's when you must turn to God and ask him what to do,
For he's the one who knows what's best and what he wants from you.
Remember start with him each day and you cannot go wrong,
Your heart will then be full of joy and your witness will be strong.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Mark Of Leadership.

Jesus was asked by James and by John,
If they could sit with him at the feast.
But Jesus said to them it's not for me to say,
For the true mark of leadership is to serve and be least.
So each of us now must each live to serve,
With a heart that is faithful and true.
Then on that day when Gods kindom comes,
The ones who sit next to him could be me or you.