Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Unseen Workers.

We each have tasks that we must do,
In our service for the Lord.
Some are in the public eye,
And are praised with many words.
You may do your task quietly,
And you think that it's not seen.
But remember God sees everything,
For we're all on the same team.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

He Never Sleeps.

Our Father watches over us where ever we may be,
He never sleeps or slumbers through the day.
So we can live our lives for him knowing that he sees,
The things that we need help with on the way.
His love for us is boundless that's why he sent His SON,
To take the punishment that was our own.
So we should live our lives for him in faithful constancy,
For in our hearts HE should be on the throne.